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Can a Sexless Marriage Be a Happy One?

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article explores the idea that a sexless marriage can still be a happy and fulfilling relationship, challenging the conventional wisdom that sex is essential to relationships. It profiles a couple, Will and Rose, who have been married for seven years and go through long periods without sex, but maintain a strong emotional and intimate connection.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Can a Sexless Marriage Be a Happy One?

1. What are the key viewpoints discussed in the article on whether a sexless marriage can be happy?

  • Experts and couples are challenging the conventional wisdom that sex is essential to relationships
  • The article profiles a couple, Will and Rose, who have been married for seven years and go through long periods without sex, but maintain a strong emotional and intimate connection
  • Rose feels the familiar calm and stability of their relationship dulls her sex drive, but they have accepted this as the nature of their sex life
  • During the pandemic, the couple went more than a year without having sex but savored their extra time together, finding new ways to connect

2. What are the key facts or data points provided in the article?

  • Will and Rose met online 10 years ago and have been married for 7 years
  • They have their own one-bedroom apartment in Los Angeles
  • They go through periods of months without sex, but have a policy of never refusing a hug to resolve minor disagreements
  • During the pandemic, they went more than a year without having sex but found new ways to connect, like taking online yoga classes together

[02] Challenges and Coping Strategies in a Sexless Marriage

1. What are the challenges and coping strategies discussed in the article for the couple in a sexless marriage?

  • Rose feels the familiar calm and stability of their relationship dulls her sex drive, which can be confusing and frustrating for Will
  • To get into a sexual mood, Rose relies on rituals like doing her hair and makeup, shaving her legs, and having a glass of wine
  • Will doesn't need to do anything to feel ready for sex, which is another difference between them
  • Over the years, they have accepted that this is what their sex life looks like if they want to be together, which they do

2. How do the couple maintain intimacy and connection despite the lack of sex?

  • They have a policy of never refusing a hug to resolve minor disagreements
  • During the pandemic, they spent more time together, taking walks, talking constantly, and starting new hobbies like online yoga classes
  • Will appreciates these smaller opportunities to connect, and Rose, who doesn't see herself as the nurturing type, has shown her caring side during this time
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